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CPU En Yüksek Sıcaklık

AMD Althon, Althon
Opteron, Duron & Sempron Series

AMD Athlon (socket) upto 1Ghz 90°C
AMD Athlon (slot) all speeds 70°C
AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.1Ghz+ 95°C
AMD Athlon MP 1.33Ghz+ 95°C
AMD Athlon XP 1.33Ghz+ 90°C
AMD Athlon XP T-Bred upto 2100+ 90°C
AMD Athlon XP T-Bred over 2100+ 85°C
AMD Athlon XP Barton 85°C
AMD Duron up to 1Ghz 90°C
AMD Duron 1Ghz+ 90°C
AMD Duron Applebred 85°C
AMD Opteron 65 - 71°C
AMD Athlon 64 70°C
AMD Athlon 64 (Socket 939, 1.4 volts) 65°C
AMD Athlon 64 FX 70°C
AMD Athlon 64 X2 71°C
AMD Sempron (T-bred/Barton core) 90°C
AMD Sempron (Paris core) 70°C
AMD Mobile Sempron 95°C

AMD K6 Series
AMD K6/K6-2/K6-III (All except below) 70°C
AMD K6-2/K6-III (model number ending in X) 65°C
AMD K6-2+/K6-III+ 85°C

Intel Pentium III Series

Pentium III Slot 1 500-866Mhz 80°C
Pentium III Slot and socket 933Mhz 75°C
Pentium III Slot 1 1Ghz 60 - 70°C
Pentium III Slot 1 1.13Ghz 62°C

Intel Celeron Series

Intel Celeron 266-433Mhz 85°C
Intel Celeron 466-533Mhz 70°C
Intel Celeron 566-600Mhz (Coppermine) 90°C
Intel Celeron 633-667Mhz 82°C
Intel Celeron 700 - 850Mhz 80°C
Intel Celeron 900Mhz - 1.6Ghz 69 - 70°C
Intel Celeron 1.7Ghz and Higher 67 - 77°C

Intel Pentium II
Intel Pentium II (First Generation "Klamath") 72 - 75°C
Intel Pentium II (Second Generation, 266-333Mhz) 65°C
Intel Pentium II (350 - 400Mhz) 75°C
Intel Pentium II (450Mhz) 70°C

Intel Pentium 4,
Pentium M (notebooks)
Intel Pentium 4 64 - 78°C

Intel Pentium M (notebooks) 100°C

Intel Pentium D (çift çekirdek)

Intel Pentium D 820 (2.8Ghz) 63°C
Intel Pentium D 830 & 840 (3.0 - 3.2Ghz) 69.8°C

Intel Pentium Pro
Intel Pentium Pro. 256 or 512K L2 Cache 85°C
Intel Pentium Pro. 1MB L2 Cache 80°C

Cevapla PGM
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