25-05-2014 Saat: 18:18
The Union Comp
İst. Turkey April 13 1995
Please send the following as quickly as you can and charge to our account:
60 boxes of A4 papers
100 boxes of ++++l clips
Yours very truly
Please send samples and quotations on one million pencil sharpeners.
At the same time let us know if you can supply 100 Ace staplers model 112 giving
us a quotation on this also.
We would like to have the information by the end of this week if possible.
Yours truly
Dear Mr. Brown
Many thanks for your order which has been forwarded to our plant for immediate manufacture.
take pleasure in assuring you that I will personally follow through on your order and see that each piece is made exactly according to specifications.
You can count on delivery on or before April as promised.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs. Brown
In checking our accounts we find there is a balance of 42.50 dollars due us for purchases made in September. As you have do doubt overlooked this bill we are bringing it to your attention.
Will you please send your check at once so we can clear this indebtedness form our books and bring your account up to date.
Yours very truly
Dear sir
According to this morning's Guardian you are looking for an efficient experienced secretary.
During the past 10 years I have served in that capacity to three prominent executives all three of whom will vouch for my efficiency and dependability. They are....
I am 30 years of age a high school graduate unmarried living at home with my family. My former associates will tell you that I am neat accurate and painstaking in my work; that I am tactful and courteous; resourceful loyal to the job and of plea¬sing personality.
I am well-trained and experienced in all the many duties and responsibilities of a good secretary; and I should like the opportunity of coming in and talking with you personally.
My telephone number is 223445. I can start at once if you like.
Sincerely yours
Dear Sir
I have just graduated form Hacettepe University department of Linguistics. I would like to do post-graduate studies in your faculty. Will you kindly send the requi¬red information and documents for the application for a master's degree?
I'd appreciate if I can receive them as soon as possible.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs. Bradbury:
We hear that John has graduated form Harvard and that he made a very fine record for himself there. You must be proud of his splendid accomplishment and we are very happy for you.
Please give John our congratulations and our best wishes for success and happiness in his chosen work.
Sincerely yours
Dear Dr. Arnold:
My warm congratulations to you on your election as president of the state medical association. It is a reward you highly deserve for your many years of splendid service to the profession and to the people of the state.
I can't think of any man who would have been a better choice. My very best wishes to you.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs Martin
I just can't tell you how flattered I am that you should have remembered my birthday. It was a real pleasure to receive your charming note this morning Thank you so much for your good wishes.
Sincerely yours
Dear Miss Walter
Thank you very much for the lovely flowers! We liked it so much. David is very delighted and sends his thanks too.
With best wishes from both of us.
Cordially yours
Dear Mrs. Webb:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to dinner on Saturday March 20th. Both my husband and I will be delighted to come. It will also be a pleasure to meet the new director for this division.
Yours sincerely
Mary Street
Dear Mary:
I know words aren't much comfort at a time like this. But I'd like you to know we are thinking of you; and that my family and I send our heartfelt sympathy.
Dear Alice
We were saddened to hear of your father's death this morning. We can well appreciate your great sense of loss. Please accept our deepest sympathy
Sincerely yours
I have known Mr. Can Barış for over five years as his instructor in several courses. Can is indeed a very conscientious and serious-minded person and has remarkable attributes as a student. He always comes to class well prepared and participates in class discussions. He has a good grounding in linguistic studies and enthusiastic about doing further work. He has a fairly good command of English and seriously interested in improving it.
He is sociable person and I do believe he will be one of the most promising candidates for post- graduate studies.
Yours sincerely
Dear Sir:
Mr. James Brown has given us your name as reference. He tells us he was credit manager of your store for three years and that he left on his own accord to make another connection.
We shall appreciate any information you can give us about his personality reliabilityjudgement.... and especially his ability to work with others.
We will of course keep your reply strictly confidential. / Very truly yours
The Union Comp
İst. Turkey April 13 1995
Please send the following as quickly as you can and charge to our account:
60 boxes of A4 papers
100 boxes of ++++l clips
Yours very truly
Please send samples and quotations on one million pencil sharpeners.
At the same time let us know if you can supply 100 Ace staplers model 112 giving
us a quotation on this also.
We would like to have the information by the end of this week if possible.
Yours truly
Dear Mr. Brown
Many thanks for your order which has been forwarded to our plant for immediate manufacture.
take pleasure in assuring you that I will personally follow through on your order and see that each piece is made exactly according to specifications.
You can count on delivery on or before April as promised.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs. Brown
In checking our accounts we find there is a balance of 42.50 dollars due us for purchases made in September. As you have do doubt overlooked this bill we are bringing it to your attention.
Will you please send your check at once so we can clear this indebtedness form our books and bring your account up to date.
Yours very truly
Dear sir
According to this morning's Guardian you are looking for an efficient experienced secretary.
During the past 10 years I have served in that capacity to three prominent executives all three of whom will vouch for my efficiency and dependability. They are....
I am 30 years of age a high school graduate unmarried living at home with my family. My former associates will tell you that I am neat accurate and painstaking in my work; that I am tactful and courteous; resourceful loyal to the job and of plea¬sing personality.
I am well-trained and experienced in all the many duties and responsibilities of a good secretary; and I should like the opportunity of coming in and talking with you personally.
My telephone number is 223445. I can start at once if you like.
Sincerely yours
Dear Sir
I have just graduated form Hacettepe University department of Linguistics. I would like to do post-graduate studies in your faculty. Will you kindly send the requi¬red information and documents for the application for a master's degree?
I'd appreciate if I can receive them as soon as possible.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs. Bradbury:
We hear that John has graduated form Harvard and that he made a very fine record for himself there. You must be proud of his splendid accomplishment and we are very happy for you.
Please give John our congratulations and our best wishes for success and happiness in his chosen work.
Sincerely yours
Dear Dr. Arnold:
My warm congratulations to you on your election as president of the state medical association. It is a reward you highly deserve for your many years of splendid service to the profession and to the people of the state.
I can't think of any man who would have been a better choice. My very best wishes to you.
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs Martin
I just can't tell you how flattered I am that you should have remembered my birthday. It was a real pleasure to receive your charming note this morning Thank you so much for your good wishes.
Sincerely yours
Dear Miss Walter
Thank you very much for the lovely flowers! We liked it so much. David is very delighted and sends his thanks too.
With best wishes from both of us.
Cordially yours
Dear Mrs. Webb:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to dinner on Saturday March 20th. Both my husband and I will be delighted to come. It will also be a pleasure to meet the new director for this division.
Yours sincerely
Mary Street
Dear Mary:
I know words aren't much comfort at a time like this. But I'd like you to know we are thinking of you; and that my family and I send our heartfelt sympathy.
Dear Alice
We were saddened to hear of your father's death this morning. We can well appreciate your great sense of loss. Please accept our deepest sympathy
Sincerely yours
I have known Mr. Can Barış for over five years as his instructor in several courses. Can is indeed a very conscientious and serious-minded person and has remarkable attributes as a student. He always comes to class well prepared and participates in class discussions. He has a good grounding in linguistic studies and enthusiastic about doing further work. He has a fairly good command of English and seriously interested in improving it.
He is sociable person and I do believe he will be one of the most promising candidates for post- graduate studies.
Yours sincerely
Dear Sir:
Mr. James Brown has given us your name as reference. He tells us he was credit manager of your store for three years and that he left on his own accord to make another connection.
We shall appreciate any information you can give us about his personality reliabilityjudgement.... and especially his ability to work with others.
We will of course keep your reply strictly confidential. / Very truly yours