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HTML'de sayfa içi link verme?
(05-05-2020 Saat: 15:11)SolomonShawn Nickli Kullanıcıdan Alıntı: On some websites, when we go to the bottom of the page, we see a link to go to the top of the page, and when we click on this link, we get a shortcut to the top of the web page. This process is the in-page linking process in html. Now let's do one application according omegle to the example we gave above. discord First of all, when xender we click on the link, we give a name to the location of the page where we want it to go with a parameter. In our example, we will return to the top of the page in a short way, giving a name to the top of the html page as follows.
thank you my problem is solved
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Bu Konudaki Yorumlar
HTML'de sayfa içi link verme? - Yazar: SolomonShawn - 05-05-2020 Saat: 15:11
RE: HTML'de sayfa içi link verme? - Yazar: NextWorld - 05-05-2020 Saat: 15:23
RE: HTML'de sayfa içi link verme? - Yazar: SolomonShawn - 07-05-2020 Saat: 07:38
RE: HTML'de sayfa içi link verme? - Yazar: xwavefour - 18-06-2021 Saat: 16:54
RE: HTML'de sayfa içi link verme? - Yazar: xwavefour - 18-06-2021 Saat: 16:55

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