böyle yaptım ama, yine de düzelmedi. Başka önerisi olan var mı?
Sanırım şablonlardan kaynaklı, bazı forumlarda yok, ama birçok forumda var... Yani, şablonları düzeltin desek, bisürü forum hata ile dolacak...
(şuanda göremezsiniz, eski haline aldım)
"Ana prensibimiz insana saygı" dedik, kimileri bunu yanlış anladı, sürekli tepemize çıktı. Bundan sonra ana prensibim: "isteyen istediği yere gitsin". Forumda sürekli negatif enerji yayanları, hakaret edenleri ya da hakaretimsi yazanları dahi banlayacağım. Forumda etkileşim azalacakmış umuruda değil. Yıllarca negatif enerjili insanlara katlandığım yeter..
Sonra duymadım, bilmiyordum yok..
Önemli konular listesi: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=99072
Android 10tl programı: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=98074
Görevli kuralları: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=99597
10tl.net Geneli (Forum açma v.b.) Kurallar: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=25433
https://twitter.com/10tlnet https://discord.gg/fUC7A2W info (at.) 10tl.net
Tüm forumlar mybb 1.8.35'e güncellenmiştir ve yukardaki hata da birçoğunda giderildi.
Hata çıkan varsa, söyleyin, ilgileneyim.
"Ana prensibimiz insana saygı" dedik, kimileri bunu yanlış anladı, sürekli tepemize çıktı. Bundan sonra ana prensibim: "isteyen istediği yere gitsin". Forumda sürekli negatif enerji yayanları, hakaret edenleri ya da hakaretimsi yazanları dahi banlayacağım. Forumda etkileşim azalacakmış umuruda değil. Yıllarca negatif enerjili insanlara katlandığım yeter..
Sonra duymadım, bilmiyordum yok..
Önemli konular listesi: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=99072
Android 10tl programı: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=98074
Görevli kuralları: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=99597
10tl.net Geneli (Forum açma v.b.) Kurallar: https://destek.10tl.net/showthread.php?tid=25433
https://twitter.com/10tlnet https://discord.gg/fUC7A2W info (at.) 10tl.net
// Load main MyBB core file which begins all of the magic
require_once $working_dir.'/inc/init.php';
// Read the usergroups cache as well as the moderators cache
$groupscache = $cache->read('usergroups');
// If the groups cache doesn't exist, update it and re-read it
$groupscache = $cache->read('usergroups');
// Do not use session system for defined pages
if((isset($mybb->input['action']) && isset($nosession[$mybb->input['action']])) || (isset($mybb->input['thumbnail']) && $current_page == 'attachment.php'))
define('NO_ONLINE', 1);
// Create session for this user
require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_session.php';
$session = new session;
$mybb->session = &$session;
// Set our POST validation code here
$mybb->post_code = generate_post_check();
// Set and load the language
if(isset($mybb->input['language']) && $lang->language_exists($mybb->get_input('language')) && verify_post_check($mybb->get_input('my_post_key'), true))
$mybb->settings['bblanguage'] = $mybb->get_input('language');
// If user is logged in, update their language selection with the new one
// Select the board theme to use.
$loadstyle = '';
$load_from_forum = $load_from_user = 0;
$style = array();
// The user used our new quick theme changer
if(isset($mybb->input['theme']) && verify_post_check($mybb->get_input('my_post_key'), true))
// Set up user handler.
require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/datahandlers/user.php';
$userhandler = new UserDataHandler('update');
// validate_user verifies the style if it is set in the data array.
$mybb->user['style'] = $user['style'];
// If user is logged in, update their theme selection with the new one
// This user has a custom theme set in their profile
if(isset($mybb->user['style']) && (int)$mybb->user['style'] != 0)
$mybb->user['style'] = (int)$mybb->user['style'];
// If we're accessing a post, fetch the forum theme for it and if we're overriding it
if(isset($mybb->input['pid']) && THIS_SCRIPT != "polls.php")
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "fid", "pid = '{$mybb->input['pid']}'", array("limit" => 1));
if($db->num_rows($query) > 0 && $fid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'fid'))
$style = $forum_cache[$fid];
$load_from_forum = 1;
// We have a thread id and a forum id, we can easily fetch the theme for this forum
else if(isset($mybb->input['tid']))
$query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'fid', "tid = '{$mybb->input['tid']}'", array('limit' => 1));
if($db->num_rows($query) > 0 && $fid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'fid'))
$style = $forum_cache[$fid];
$load_from_forum = 1;
// If we're accessing poll results, fetch the forum theme for it and if we're overriding it
else if(isset($mybb->input['pid']) && THIS_SCRIPT == "polls.php")
$query = $db->query("SELECT t.fid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."polls p INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid) WHERE p.pid = '{$mybb->input['pid']}' LIMIT 1");
if($db->num_rows($query) > 0 && $fid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'fid'))
$style = $forum_cache[$fid];
$load_from_forum = 1;
// We have a forum id - simply load the theme from it
else if(isset($mybb->input['fid']) && isset($forum_cache[$mybb->input['fid']]))
$style = $forum_cache[$mybb->input['fid']];
$load_from_forum = 1;
// From all of the above, a theme was found
if(isset($style['style']) && $style['style'] > 0)
$style['style'] = (int)$style['style'];
// This theme is forced upon the user, overriding their selection
if($style['overridestyle'] == 1 || !isset($mybb->user['style']))
$loadstyle = "tid = '{$style['style']}'";
// After all of that no theme? Load the board default
$loadstyle = "def='1'";
// Fetch the theme to load from the cache
if($loadstyle != "def='1'")
$query = $db->simple_select('themes', 'name, tid, properties, stylesheets, allowedgroups', $loadstyle, array('limit' => 1));
$theme = $db->fetch_array($query);
// No theme was found - we attempt to load the master or any other theme
if(!isset($theme['tid']) || isset($theme['tid']) && !$theme['tid'])
// Missing theme was from a forum, run a query to set any forums using the theme to the default
if($load_from_forum == 1)
$db->update_query('forums', array('style' => 0), "style = '{$style['style']}'");
// Missing theme was from a user, run a query to set any users using the theme to the default
else if($load_from_user == 1)
$db->update_query('users', array('style' => 0), "style = '{$mybb->user['style']}'");
// Attempt to load the master or any other theme if the master is not available
$query = $db->simple_select('themes', 'name, tid, properties, stylesheets', '', array('order_by' => 'tid', 'limit' => 1));
$theme = $db->fetch_array($query);
$theme = @array_merge($theme, my_unserialize($theme['properties']));
// Fetch all necessary stylesheets
$stylesheets = '';
$theme['stylesheets'] = my_unserialize($theme['stylesheets']);
$stylesheet_scripts = array("global", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
$stylesheet_scripts[] = $theme['color'];
$stylesheet_actions = array("global");
$stylesheet_actions[] = $mybb->get_input('action');
foreach($stylesheet_scripts as $stylesheet_script)
// Load stylesheets for global actions and the current action
foreach($stylesheet_actions as $stylesheet_action)
// Actually add the stylesheets to the list
foreach($theme['stylesheets'][$stylesheet_script][$stylesheet_action] as $page_stylesheet)
// Are we linking to a remote theme server?
// If a language directory for the current language exists within the theme - we use it
$theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->user['language'];
// Check if a custom language directory exists for this theme
$theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->settings['bblanguage'];
// Otherwise, the image language directory is the same as the language directory for the theme
$theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'];
$img_directory = $theme['imgdir'];
// If a language directory for the current language exists within the theme - we use it
if(!empty($mybb->user['language']) && is_dir($img_directory.'/'.$mybb->user['language']))
$theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->user['language'];
// Check if a custom language directory exists for this theme
$theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->settings['bblanguage'];
// Otherwise, the image language directory is the same as the language directory for the theme
$theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'];
// Theme logo - is it a relative URL to the forum root? Append bburl
if(!preg_match("#^(\.\.?(/|$)|([a-z0-9]+)://)#i", $theme['logo']) && substr($theme['logo'], 0, 1) != '/')
$theme['logo'] = $mybb->get_asset_url($theme['logo']);
// Load Main Templates and Cached Templates
$templatelist .= ',';
$templatelist = '';
// Set the current date and time now
$datenow = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], TIME_NOW, '', false);
$timenow = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], TIME_NOW);
$lang->welcome_current_time = $lang->sprintf($lang->welcome_current_time, $datenow . $lang->comma . $timenow);
// Format the last visit date of this user appropriately
$lastvisit = my_date('relative', $mybb->user['lastvisit'], '', 2);
// Otherwise, they've never visited before
$lastvisit = $lang->lastvisit_never;
// If the board is closed and we have a usergroup allowed to view the board when closed, then show board closed warning
$bbclosedwarning = '';
if($mybb->settings['boardclosed'] == 1 && $mybb->usergroup['canviewboardclosed'] == 1)
eval('$bbclosedwarning = "'.$templates->get('global_boardclosed_warning').'";');
// Prepare the main templates for use
$admincplink = $modcplink = $usercplink = '';
// Load appropriate welcome block for the current logged in user
if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0)
// User can access the admin cp and we're not hiding admin cp links, fetch it
if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 && $mybb->config['hide_admin_links'] != 1)
$admin_dir = $config['admin_dir'];
eval('$admincplink = "'.$templates->get('header_welcomeblock_member_admin').'";');
// Format the welcome back message
$lang->welcome_back = $lang->sprintf($lang->welcome_back, build_profile_link(htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->user['username']), $mybb->user['uid']), $lastvisit);
// See if there are any pending join requests for group leaders
$pending_joinrequests = '';
$groupleaders = $cache->read('groupleaders');
if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0 && is_array($groupleaders) && array_key_exists($mybb->user['uid'], $groupleaders))
$groupleader = $groupleaders[$mybb->user['uid']];
$showjoinnotice = false;
// This user is a moderator, super moderator or administrator
if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 || ($mybb->user['ismoderator'] && $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp'] == 1 && $mybb->usergroup['canmanagereportedcontent'] == 1))
// Only worth checking if we are here because we have ACP permissions and the other condition fails
if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 && !($mybb->user['ismoderator'] && $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp'] == 1 && $mybb->usergroup['canmanagereportedcontent'] == 1))
// First we check if the user's a super admin: if yes, we don't care about permissions
$can_access_moderationqueue = true;
$is_super_admin = is_super_admin($mybb->user['uid']);
// Include admin functions
$can_access_moderationqueue = false;
// Verify if we have permissions to access forum-moderation_queue
require_once MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/modules/forum/module_meta.php";
// Get admin permissions
$adminperms = get_admin_permissions($mybb->user['uid']);
// 0 or more reported items currently exist
if($reported['unread'] > 0)
// We want to avoid one extra query for users that can moderate any forum
if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] || $mybb->usergroup['issupermod'])
$unread = (int)$reported['unread'];
$unread = 0;
$query = $db->simple_select('reportedcontent', 'id3', "reportstatus='0' AND (type = 'post' OR type = '')");
// Got a character set?
$charset = 'UTF-8';
if(isset($lang->settings['charset']) && $lang->settings['charset'])
$charset = $lang->settings['charset'];
// Is this user apart of a banned group?
$bannedwarning = '';
if($mybb->usergroup['isbannedgroup'] == 1)
// Format their ban lift date and reason appropriately
$banlift = my_date('normal', $mybb->user['banlifted']);
$banlift = $lang->banned_lifted_never;
$banlift = $lang->unknown;
// Check if this user has a new private message.
$pm_notice = '';
if(isset($mybb->user['pmnotice']) && $mybb->user['pmnotice'] == 2 && $mybb->user['pms_unread'] > 0 && $mybb->settings['enablepms'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canusepms'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canview'] != 0 && ($current_page != "private.php" || $mybb->get_input('action') != "read"))
require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php';
$parser = new postParser;
$query = $db->query("
SELECT pm.subject, pm.pmid, fu.username AS fromusername, fu.uid AS fromuid
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."privatemessages pm
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users fu on (fu.uid=pm.fromid)
WHERE pm.folder = '1' AND pm.uid = '{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND pm.status = '0'
ORDER BY pm.dateline DESC
// Set up some of the default templates
eval('$headerinclude = "'.$templates->get('headerinclude').'";');
eval('$gobutton = "'.$templates->get('gobutton').'";');
eval('$htmldoctype = "'.$templates->get('htmldoctype', 1, 0).'";');
eval('$header = "'.$templates->get('header').'";');
$copy_year = my_date('Y', TIME_NOW);
// Are we showing version numbers in the footer?
$mybbversion = '';
if($mybb->settings['showvernum'] == 1)
$mybbversion = ' '.$mybb->version;
// Check to see if we have any tasks to run
$task_image = '';
$task_cache = $cache->read('tasks');
$task_cache['nextrun'] = TIME_NOW;
// Add our main parts to the navigation
$navbits = array();
$navbits[0]['name'] = $mybb->settings['bbname_orig'];
$navbits[0]['url'] = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/index.php';
// Set the link to the archive.
$archive_url = build_archive_link();
// If the board is closed, the user is not an administrator and they're not trying to login, show the board closed message
$mybb->settings['boardclosed'] == 1 &&
$mybb->usergroup['canviewboardclosed'] != 1 &&
!in_array($current_page, $closed_bypass) &&
isset($closed_bypass[$current_page]) &&
in_array($mybb->get_input('action'), $closed_bypass[$current_page])
// Show error
$mybb->settings['boardclosed_reason'] = $lang->boardclosed_reason;
// If the board forces user to login/register, and the user is a guest, show the force login message
$mybb->settings['forcelogin'] == 1 &&
$mybb->user['uid'] == 0 &&
!in_array($current_page, $force_bypass) &&
isset($force_bypass[$current_page]) &&
in_array($mybb->get_input('action'), $force_bypass[$current_page])
// Show error
// Load Limiting
if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && $mybb->settings['load'] > 0 && ($load = get_server_load()) && $load != $lang->unknown && $load > $mybb->settings['load'])
// User is not an administrator and the load limit is higher than the limit, show an error
// If there is a valid referrer in the URL, cookie it
if(!$mybb->user['uid'] && $mybb->settings['usereferrals'] == 1 && (isset($mybb->input['referrer']) || isset($mybb->input['referrername'])))
$condition = "username = '".$db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('referrername'))."'";
$condition = "uid = '".$mybb->get_input('referrer', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";
// Find out if this user of ours is using a banned email address.
// If they are, redirect them to change it
if($mybb->user['uid'] && is_banned_email($mybb->user['email']) && $mybb->settings['emailkeep'] != 1)
!(THIS_SCRIPT == 'usercp.php' && in_array($mybb->get_input('action'), array('email', 'do_email'))) &&
!(THIS_SCRIPT == 'member.php' && $mybb->get_input('action') == 'activate')
else if($mybb->request_method != 'post')
$banned_email_error = inline_error(array($lang->banned_email_warning));
// work out which items the user has collapsed
$collapse = $collapsed = $collapsedimg = $collapsedthead = array();