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How To Force/Remove Postbit Styles
With MyBB 1.4.x and 1.6.x, there are 2 postbit styles to choose from. The classic postbit has all the user details on the left of the post, the same as MyBB 1.2.x, and the horizontal postbit shows the same information above the post. A lot of people have asked how to remove a postbit style, or force it on users. You may want to do this to make sure everyone is seeing the same thing, because one postbit style works better with your theme than another, or you just don't like one of them. I'll now show you what I consider to be the best way of doing it.

First, we'll delete the option for people to change their postbit style. To do this, go to ACP --> Templates & Style --> Templates --> **expand template set** --> User Control Panel Templates --> usercp_options. Now, search for this code:

     <td valign="top" width="1"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="classicpostbit" id="classicpostbit" value="1" {$classicpostbitcheck} /></td>
     <td><span class="smalltext"><label for="classicpostbit">{$lang->show_classic_postbit}</label></span></td>

If you want to force the classic postbit, replace it with this:

<input type="hidden" name="classicpostbit" id="classicpostbit" value="1" />

If you want to force the horizontal postbit, replace it with this:

<input type="hidden" name="classicpostbit" id="classicpostbit" value="0" />

Now, all your users will have your desired postbit style and will be unable to change it Smile Also make sure that 'ACP > Configuration > Show Thread Options > Post Layout' is what you want to force, as this is what will be used by guests and new users.
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