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Frequently Asked Questions And Answers
I encourage New beginners MyBB Version, then press ctrl + f in your browser first before opening a topic here Search, Topic Help You Turn Here, [Non-Continuous updating add my. ]

[B] Admin QS Turkish Making:
Admin CP> Configuration> Settings> Control Panel Settings> Language> Turkish

To Make Turkish Forum:
AdminKP> Configuration> Settings> General Configuration> Select Turkish okay down there

Forum to close / open
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Forum Online / Offline> Forum Off> Yes / No

Board to change its name
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> General Configuration> Forum Name> sitename

A cookie is to change own domain (login logout solution to the problem)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> General Konfigurasoynu> Cookie Domain>. Siteadi.com

Topics to edit user
AdminKP> Users and Groups> User Entries> header right of the user you want to change, click Modify .. Top right corner to add a new title "Title Create New User" button ...

Change the path of the cookie (login logout solution to the problem)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> General Konfigurasoynu> Cookie Path> / forum

Security During Registration / Approval Your picture opening and closing (captcha)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> General Konfigurasoynu> Message Submission and Registration for the CAPTCHA Pictures> on / off

Their orientation to open and close the page (now redirected to where you came from ....)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Server and Optimization Options> Page redirects> On / Off

Debug information at the bottom of the page (5% PHP / MySQL vs. 95%. Such information)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Server and Optimization Options> Advanced Statistics / Debug Information> Yes / No

Upload Path (Where to Store the plug-ins installed)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Server and Optimization Options> Upload Path>. / Uploads (this folder should be 777 chmodu)

Date and Time Format set to Turkey by!
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Date and Time Formats> Default Time Zone> GMT +2 Hours

Posts Per Page - Topic Hot Topic Answer How Writing for the Times views need to be!
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Forum Display (forumdisplay) Options> Set as you want options here

Set the number of the homepage to display sub-forum!
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Forum Home (index) Options> homepage, to display Sub Forum Number> 1000 number here if your all no matter how much altforumunuz!

Today's Birthdays Display / Demonstration
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Forum Home (index) Options> Show Today's Birthdays? > Yes / No

Who's Online Show / Hide
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Forum Home (index) Options> Show Çevrimiçiyi Who? > Yes / No

Change the number of message to be displayed per page
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Thread Display Options> Pages Per Post:> The way you want to change the number

Fast Response Display / Demonstration
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Thread Display Options> Quick Response Show> On / Off

Multiple Keys turn off quote
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Thread Display Options> Multi-Quote Buttons Show> On / Off

'Related Topics' Chart Show
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Thread Display Options> 'Related Topics' Table View> Yes / No

Members stop recording
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> User Registration and Profile Options> Records Stop> Yes / No

Email the activation of the power / Direct TOOLS set
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> User Registration and Profile Options> Recording Method> where the recording takes place directly, if you select Instant Activition choose Send Email Verification, Email Verification Code Ship

Assigning Forum Mod
AdminKP> Forum Administration> Manage Forums>
Here you want to assign Mod Forum (Be This is a Sub-Forum) on the right side then on the next page in the "New Moderator" button and then click Add to Moderator Forum Moderator wrote Nicki you want it to be ..

Maximum Number of Records the same IP address
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> User Registration and Profile Options> same Ipden Maximum Recording> Enter Number

Recommending (Reference) System on / off
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> User Registration and Profile Options> Recommending System Use> Yes / No

Maximum Avatar Size Setting
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> User Registration and Profile Options> Maximum Avatar Dimensions> 111x222

Message Flood Protection (wait x seconds to send the message!)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Message Delivery> Message Flood Protection> On / Off
[Few seconds, it will be under the protection of flood by entering a number, select option (sec.)]

Show Edited by Messages Letter / off
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Message Delivery> 'Edited' Show the text in messages> Yes / No

Turn off the subscriber list / Top of Page Views to display and adjust the layout of the Number of Members
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Member List> can you do this by following the road all Settings

Reputation (Karma) System to close / open
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Reputation System> Reputation System Functions Activate> Yes / No

Add Category and Forum
AdminKP> Forum Management> New Forum Insert> Fill in the required fields ..

Group Leaders apart from the others to show / suppress (Forum Team)
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Forum Team Options> Group Leaders Split> Yes / No

Private Messaging On / Off
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Private Messaging> Private Messaging Functions Activate> Yes / No

Calendar Functions On / Off
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Calendar> Calendar Functions Run> Yes / No

All Portal Settings
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Portal Settings

Cookie Timeout = >> User / Visitor Minutes How Much More Who's Online full size after separation from the site!
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Who's Online> Timeout Time (min)> Enter a number in minutes (eg 3600)

IP ban!
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Banning Options> IP Ban> this box enter the IP address of Yasaklayacağınız .. You put the comma with no space between them is more than one ..

Ban nick!
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> Banning Options> Forbidden Nicknames> here into the box, type blasphemy .. olunmasını register in advance will prevent these names! bigger the comma with multiple ...

Expression / Smileys Opening and Closing the Display Layout
AdminKp> General Settings> Change> click on the linked expression and BB Codes> Depth Review Options

[Plugin] Overview settings!
1. option: top 10, top 15, top 100! get some? Enter the number you want!
2. option: Show in new members?
3. option: that is shown in the column count of new members, from left to right will be shown through!
4. option: up to poster that is shown?
5. option: count of the column that is shown from left to right will be shown through a poster!
6. option: the new issues that is shown?
7. option: that is shown in the column count of new topics, be shown from left to right!
8. option: that is shown most subjects answered?
9. option: count of the column that is shown from left to right will be shown through Replied To Threads!
10. option: the most viewed topics that is shown?
11. option: that is shown in the column count of the most viewed topics be shown from left to right!
12. option: the new responses (including issues) that is shown?
13. option: the new responses (including issues) will be shown through the column count of that is shown from left to right!

14. option: the beginning of the answers RE: (RE:) gösterilsinmi?
15. Number of Characters: Topic names are displayed to the first few letters? ?
16. Format usernames? User Names rengindemi Show in rank! (Yes)

17. Show message? : Overview Do you want to specify a message at the top?
18. Posts by summer here (if specified)

19. Ajax: If you do this, you anasayfadayken overview refreshes itself (do not have to refresh the page)
20. If you are logged in a few seconds to come true in this case the above option?
21. 2 above, optionally as a "loading" Do you want to show pencerisi?

22. For Members Only: For Members Only Are We? Visitors can see the selected if no
23. htmlentities () or htmlspecialchars ()? : Select the option below

[Plugin] imageResizer! [Image resizer] settings!
1. Option two: If you choose yes, the plugin works! If no work!
2. option: Enter the maximum width (picture to the next option, specify the number exceeds this size küçültülecek automatically!)
3. option: width dimensioned (having a width which is larger than the value entered in the above option to the specified width resize the pictures here!)
4. Border style: here the image is being scaled down the side of the line, specify the color and style!
5. Show warning: here you can specify whether to show a warning under the picture
6. Warning: Under the picture to be shown here uyarımızı writing!
7. Warning text color: specify the font color of the warning
8. Warning background: Background color of the warning, specify

I turned excerpt of English (Alıntıdır İngilizceye çevirdim)
Cevapla PGM
Teşekkür verenler:
thank you tongue.gif
Cevapla PGM
Teşekkür verenler:
not matter :)
Cevapla PGM
Teşekkür verenler:
Thank you 1f0c0.png
Ücretli grafik tasarım işleriniz için özel mesaj yoluyla ulaşabilirsiniz.
"Hiçbir kuş, komşusundan daha fazla yuva yapmaya uğraşmadı; hiçbir tilki, saklanacak tek bir kovuk bana yetmez! diye kendini harap etmedi; hiçbir sincap bir değil de iki kış yetecek kadar ceviz biriktiremediği için endişeden ölmedi ve hiçbir köpek yaşlılık yılları için biriktirmiş kemiği olmadığını dert ederek uykusuz kalmadı."

Cevapla PGM
Teşekkür verenler:
Thank you
Cevapla PGM
Teşekkür verenler:
it does not matter
Cevapla PGM
Teşekkür verenler:

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